American Legion Reynoldsburg Post 798 12th District Council Department of Ohio
                                                  American Legion                                                 Reynoldsburg Post 798                                                  12th District Council                                                  Department of Ohio

12th District Council, Department of Ohio

The frosty, cold winds of December are on us, and with inflationary costs upon us, we must conserve our energies. Rejoice though! Christmas is here! And yet, every day in Central Ohio, hundreds of homeless vets wander our streets in search of food and shelter---cold, hungry, miserable, dirty, lonely, despondent.

If you know of ANY veteran in Reynoldsburg who desperately needs help, contact 911, your doctor, or one of our post officers.

Happy Holloween!

The officers of Post 798 hope that you and your loved ones have a great holiday.



If you have not done so already, please renew your annual dues. To keep Post 798 alive, we need your support. Please renew as soon as you can, so that the officers can concentrate on the Legion’s community service and youth programs.


You can renew by just completing the membership renewal application that you received in the mail, along with your $40.00 check to the address on the renewal. You may make your check payable to:

American Legion Post 798


If you do not have the renewal slip, you may still mail your dues to the post at this website: 

The American Legion
Reynoldsburg Post 798
P.O. Box 58
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068


You may also pay online. Go to the Legion website at and click on the Renew box.


If you have already paid your 2019 dues, thank you!

Read about our history! Go to our News tab.

Sick Call


The officers and members of Post 798 are earnestly praying for the recovery of the following individuals:

  • Roselee Mussi, wife of commander George Mussi
  • Cindy Schultz, wife of 2nd VC Jerry Schultz
  • Glenn Hickman, 12th District Council Finance Officer


May God answer our prayers. Through the miracle of His love, we  pray that He grant them a healthy recovery. May the Lord in His infinite wisdom, mercifully answer our pleas.


Our best wishes go out to all of them and their spouses.


The Reynoldsburg Post 798 regular monthly meeting is at the F.O.E. Eagles Club (#3261) located at 1623 Brice Road in Reynoldsburg (a block north of Rosehill Ave). All regularly scheduled monthly meetings are held here (in the banquet room at the left). All Legionnaires are invited to come.


The Eagles Club will gladly allow all members of the American Legion to enter an hour before the meetings. Just press the buzzer and state that you have come for the Legion meeting. Sgt-at-Arms McPherson will be there to ensure all Legionnaires are admitted.

Attendance for post officers is mandatory.

All other post members are also encouraged to attend and help the officers in their planning. Any qualifying veteran wishing to join is also quite welcome to attend and be a part of the largest, most effective veteran organization in the country.


If there are any questions. please contact Post Commander, George Mussi at (614) 561-0055.


Thank You.

The American Legion

Reynoldsburg Post 798

P.O. Box 58

Reynoldsburg, OH 43068

Post Commander

George Mussi Jr.



The next regularly scheduled monthly post meeting (2nd Thursday each month) will be on Thursday, October 12th, 2023, at 1130 hrs. The meeting location will be as usual in the banquet Hall of the F.O.E. Eagles Club, 1623 Brice Rd, Reynoldsburg, Ohio,
(614) 861-9073

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© American Legion Post 798